Designing Climate Policy in Line with Social Equity
Climate change is making us aware of the limits of our planet – and at the same time confronting us with the fact that the consequences of our actions know no borders. It is incumbent on us to redesign, together, the forms of human coexistence.
At the World Summit on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro
in 1992 154 states signed the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), thereby setting themselves the goal of
stabilising »greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level
that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate
system« (UNFCCC, Art. 2). Twenty years later the now 194 treaty states
have managed to agree on a maximum of 2°C as the ceiling for average
global warming, as well as wishing to negotiate an agreement by 2015
containing binding emissions targets for all treaty states. But the
hesitant progress made so far within the framework of the UN’s annual
climate negotiations stands in direct contrast to what is needed to
address climate change properly: rapid, decisive and ambitious action.
The difficulties encountered in the course of the
international climate protection negotiations are due not least to the
fact that they cannot be detached from the problem of the current world
order being perceived as profoundly unfair. The fact that those
countries above all that have contributed least to triggering climate
change are now suffering the most from its effects is no accident, but
rather expresses a historical structural injustice which climate policy
must take into account. The historical experience of colonialism and the
reluctance of the industrialised countries to acknowledge their
environmental and climate policy responsibilities not only in words but
also in deeds have created a climate of mistrust which overshadows the
negotiations and repeatedly results in deadlock. All the more so because
climate change confronts us ruthlessly with our mutual dependency with
regard to the environment.
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is working on a socially
compatible and development-oriented climate and energy policy based on a
viable international regime. To that end we are supporting a
differentiated approach to the key issue of climate justice in order to
achieve progress with regard to a political practice based on common,
but differentiated responsibilities through intensive exchange at
regional and global level. Justice, here, not only must be the benchmark
for the assignment of rights and obligations in the areas of mitigation
and adaptation, but must also, from the outset, be the principle
against which the necessary building of sustainable economic and
societal structures has to be measured.
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