How QR Code Works ?
or not you realize this, you probably know what a QR code is. They’re
everywhere from shipping labels to magazine covers to fliers on community
boards. Some companies like Coca-Cola and American Airlines have gotten clever
and worked them into their print ads. The question is, what’s stopping you from
getting in the game? Maybe you’ve tossed around the idea of making your own QR
code, but decided it was too complicated or that you didn’t have time to learn
how they work. Well, it’s actually much easier than it looks.
In any QR code, a
square of either black or white is called a "module." The modules are
grouped together into different sections. There are some sections you can mess
with, and there are others that will render the code un-readable if you alter
them. The untouchables are easy to spot.
In this example, the
zones are highlighted in various colors:
- Red – Position Markers. They define the edges of the readable area and the alignment of the modules.
- Green – Format Information. These tell the software whether the data is a url, plain text, numbers, Kanji, etc.
- Blue – Version Information. The version simply refers to the number of modules in the code (version 1 is the smallest (21 x 21)). This can be altered on versions 6 and below.
If you mess with these
areas, the chances of a successful scan are severely reduced. We’re talking
single-digit percentages.
The Playground
I call it the
playground because anything can happen here. Everything that’s not highlighted
in the above example is where the actual information is stored in the code. The
modules are grouped into clusters of 8, and those clusters fit together like
puzzle pieces. It’s essentially binary, where the white modules are 0’s and
black modules are 1’s. They fit together like this:
Here, the “no-zones”
are all highlighted purple, while the 8-bit clusters are represented by the
interlocking gray shapes. Each of these clusters (a.k.a. bytes) represents one
Now, here’s the really
cool part. All QR codes have built-in error correction algorithms, so that you
can cover up/remove/alter up to 25%-30% of them without sacrificing
The only rule here is
that you must alter complete bytes. If you alter even one module in a byte, the
entire byte will be discarded, so you may as well make the best use of the real
estate and alter all 8 modules in that byte.
In the following
example, I selected ¼ of the bytes in the code and rearranged the modules
within them. Once that worked, I completely eliminated them altogether. It
still scanned. I replaced the bytes with the face of one of the most iconic
friendly aliens other than E.T. himself.
Your Mark…
where do you go from here? You know how QR codes work; you know what you can
mess with and what you can’t. The internet is full of QR code generators.
Find one, get yourself a QR code of your own, and then use the photo editing
software of your choice to start adding your own flare. It can get time
consuming, but if you map out the locations of each byte before you start, it
will be much easier to figure out which ones you can edit and which ones you
must leave alone. It’s best to have a phone handy with several QR code-scanning
apps, lots of free time, and an experimental mindset. See what works and what
doesn’t. Alter it as much as possible while keeping it readable. Pretty soon, you’ll
be making things like this.
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