Thursday, June 5, 2014

World Environment Day 2014

What is World Environment Day?
The very first World Environment Day took place in 1973, inspired by the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment that took place the year before starting on June 5th. Each year the United Nations pick a theme and a host city where environmental topics can be discussed , followed by different kinds of exhibits and displays to promote environmental awareness, in many ways very similar to Earth Day. This year (2014)  World Earth Day discussions will be hosted by Barbados and the theme is Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level, environmentalists, academics and scientists will come together to bring new ideas to the table concerning the environment, this year the focus is on Small Island Developing States (probably why they picked a Caribbean island!)
How Do You Celebrate?
Even though the United Nations pick a specific host city every year, people around the world still celebrate World Environment Day int heir hometowns with parades, concerts, clean up and recycyling initiatives, tree planting groups and all kinds of green action initiatives that are ment to promote and inspire people in every community to work towards maintaing our beautiful planet and battling pollution.
What Can I Do?
World Environment Day is not a public holiday, so you won't be getting the day off school, but if you want to celebrate why not bring it to the attention of your parents, teachers and classmates? World Environment Day is all about working together to take action for the planet, so   try to get everyone you know interested in helping make a difference. Something as small as making sure people have a way to recycle in your school can make a difference. You could also try beautifying your neighborhood by planting gardens, learn about organic and local foods, or raise money for a local wildlife and conservation charity or simply learning about the effects of different products on the earth.

Remember, we only get one planet, so let's keep it clean and beautiful for generations to come!

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