About Hyperjet
We are an industrial marketing company that offers telecom connectivity and surge protection solutions made by ethical manufacturers to telecom operators, industrial customers, systems integrators, contractors and project operators. All our suppliers go through an evaluation process of ethical practices, which cover numerous aspects as per requirements of Sedex. We visit and inspect suppliers prior to certification as an ethical manufacturer. We ensure that all human beings are added with value in our supply chains. Core of our business model in not only the customers, but also the workers involved in the supply chain.
Though we operate on ISO9000, ISO2600 and SA800 standards we do not follow any best practices. Instead, we look for the next practice that will be in line with the demands of tomorrow. Our intension is to drive our esteemed clients towards procedures those can get them the sustainability and growth .
There are no promises to our clients from us, but we strive to create sustainable value for customers. Augmenting customer expectations is our nature and not a deliberate action from our side. Future of our existence is the sustainable and growing value we create in the long run
Our belief is that business is nothing but saving the society, prevailing values, and conserve them for the future. Yet it is not conservative but innovative to save the nature and humankind. Hyperjet is different in many ways on the culture we created, diversity in our team, social and organizational change we manage and our leadership.
The organizational culture we create is relationship based. We believe and trust on the relationships among peoples and organizations to be more productive. Encouraging interpersonal relationships, we promote creativity in each employee while developing motivation through group activity. We learn from Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures. Hyperjet focuses on the long term: offering slow but steady rewards.
Our teams are diverse with seniors, youngsters, male female and people of many religions and social backgrounds. Professionally they are with electronics, telecom, mechanical, marketing, psychology, finance, human resource and medical backgrounds. Diversity in our groups of people give ideas that encourage people to come out with more creative business ideas and help solve problems more efficiently.
To meet ever increasing challenges by change of customer expectations due to social and organizational change, we have a holistic “future search excellence” program headed by the top management team. All futuristic concerns are covered in the program and relevant action is identified along with the time schedule. Our motto is “change or perish”. Change management process at Hyperjet is comprehensive. Our processes reason out people why a change is needed and enlightens them on what can be the implications if the change is not implemented. We also enlighten people on the benefits of carrying out a change. Our staff also becomes a part and partial of the program so that they are well aware of the targeted benefits and support the change.
Leadership at Hyperjet is transformational. We coach and mentor our people to discover new horizons in their futures by learning along the life at our company. Our vision for the future of our people is that they not only build competencies but define a future for the society. It is our way of how we manage the talent through organizational development that helps us achieve our objectives.
We strive to provide augmented products to drive customer satisfaction beyond expectation. With over 10 years of experience in providing telecom operators in Sri Lanka with the right solutions, we work hard to introduce innovative tailor made solutions to Sri Lankan Telcos to optimize utility. International principals we select are also equally committed to support our course.
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